We're getting ready for Jesus' coming! What a blessing! What a celebration! He lived a perfect life, and followed God's plan to be crucified and die for us! But that's not the end of the story. It's just the beginning. We have to do our part to tell others about this love. How? Well, it can be as simple as a prayer for that family member or neighbor that doesn't know Him. We could invite someone to church. The Holy Spirit will take it from there! That's what's so great about being a Christian. We just have to start and God will help us do the rest! May you find it in your hearts to share His love with someone today!
Has your child shared with you that I show them an "Advent video" each day after we do our Advent calendar together? The videos don't have much to do with Advent, but are meant to motivate them to share the love of Christ with someone. This one is my favorite from this week.
We have had fun decorating our classroom for Christmas this week. I am not finished putting up all the decorations yet, but when I am, I will post a picture. For now, here is a couple of pictures of some students making paper strip Christmas trees. They had a blast. The littlest things excite them!