Connecting Christ With Community

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Upcoming Events at St. Paul Lutheran School!

Even though it's summer, St. Paul doesn't take a break from ministering to our students and the community!  Just a friendly reminder of some upcoming events going on at St. Paul!  I hope to see you (especially at volleyball camp)!  We are going to have a blast!

*Volleyball Camp is next week June 25-28 in the St. Paul Gym from 4:45-6 p.m. for girls entering 4-6th grades and from 6:15-7:45 p.m. for girls entering 7th-9th grades.  Please bring gym shoes, a water bottle, and knee pads!  Cost is $25!  Registration forms are in the church office and lobby or in the school offce!

*You can find an updated school supplies list for 4th/5th grades HERE.

*4th of July is on its way!  Please help us be a part of getting the word out to the Aurora community on how AWESOME our school is!  We will be marching in the Aurora 4th of July parade, which starts at 10:00 a.m.  We are collecting donations of freezer pops (we freeze them and hand out during the parade). Last year we handed out over 5,000.... Can you help? Drop off at church or school office- thank you!!!

*Registration for your child is on Wednesday, July 18th from 9a.m.-12 p.m. or 4-8 p.m.  Come in and see what we've been up to this summer!  You will also have a chance to sign up for a home visit from me if you'd like!

*Open House is August 16th from 5-7 p.m.  Come in and see your classroom, drop off your supplies, and maybe get a small gift from Mrs. Price!  I can't wait for a GREAT school year with you! 


Thank you for visiting my classroom blog!  Here I will update important school news and keep parents and students posted on what is happening in our classroom!  I feel blessed to be a part of the staff at St. Paul Lutheran School.  I ask for your prayers as I journey back into teaching your child!